The realization of any form of balls, from nests, arriving at the donuts, passing through the cup-cakes, has no secrets for us.
Through continuous research, and attention to detail, we have patented two systems that have consolidated us in the position of leader in the sector.
Through continuous research, and attention to detail, we have patented two systems that have consolidated us in the position of leader in the sector.
The easy-start and Pair effect systems.
The easy-start system allows the user not to waste time, and to ruin the ball, facilitating the identification of the starting garment.
The Pair effect system allows the realization of an always identical effect from the beginning to the end of the ball, whether this is to have two identical socks, a scarf, or a combi hat and gloves, only with this system you have a guarantee of consistency.
In our balling department we can make more than 3,000 kg per day.
The Pair effect system allows the realization of an always identical effect from the beginning to the end of the ball, whether this is to have two identical socks, a scarf, or a combi hat and gloves, only with this system you have a guarantee of consistency.
In our balling department we can make more than 3,000 kg per day.